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Financial Reporting in Australia: Read about some of the main exceptions benefits and informative requirements for Australian financial reporting.

Financial Reporting in Australia: Read about some of the main exceptions benefits and informative requirements for Australian financial reporting.

Financial reporting in Australia territories have the same financial reporting requirements.

Financial reporting in Australia seeks to increase investor confidence and integrity in its economy, corporations, and capital markets. This is achieved through clear, consistent financial reports that are compliant with legal requirements.

Australian businesses may need to report to the Australian Taxation Office, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, and/or the Australian Securities Exchange.

The Statement of Business Activity

Australian businesses must file a Business Activity Statement (BAS), to report and make tax payments. 


Each business or individual can personalize the Business Activity Statements BAS. Therefore, you can lodge it electronically, by mail, or in person. Depending on the due date, a BAS must be filed monthly, quarterly, or annually.

Main requirements for the financial reporting in Australia

ASIC is the Australian Securities and Investments Commission is Australia’s financial markets and the corporate regulator.

ASIC requires that Australian companies prepare and file financial reports. These reports are usually filed at the end of each financial year. Audits are required for all financial reports, but in certain circumstances, companies might be exempted from the obligation to report financial information.

How companies should file financial reports?

To comply with the financial reporting in Australia, all companies should have financial records in order to understand their operations. However, certain types of companies must keep these records in order to prepare and file financial reports with us.

  • It is a significant amount of money involved;
  • The company has received investments from the general public;
  • The company is only for charitable purposes and does not intend to profit. If your company is registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission, you can see the ACNC charities.
  • All disclosing entities;
  • Public companies;
  • Guaranteed companies (except for small businesses);
  • All large proprietary companies that do not disclose entities;
  • All registered managed investment plans;
  • Foreign-controlled small proprietary companies;
  • Smaller companies with one or more Crowd-Sourced Funding Shareholders at any given time in the year.

Financial reports that are prepared under the Corporations Act must generally comply with accounting standards (see section 296). Australian Accounting Standards comply with the International Financial Reporting Standards, which Australia adopted in 2005.

Under the financial reporting in Australia, section 601CK of Corporations Act requires foreign-registered companies to file balance sheets, profit statements, cash flow statements, and other documents with ASIC. If you are not sure about your company’s financial reporting obligations, it is best to seek professional advice.

AFS licensees in Australia must also file financial statements under section 989B Corporations Act. AFS licensees can file annual accounts and an audit report using forms F70 and F71.

Exemptions for Financial Reporting

  • The company has filed financial reports with ASX/NSX, SIM VSE, SSX, or SIM VSE, and all conditions of ASIC Corporations (Electronic Lodgement Financial Reports Instrument 2016/181 have been met. See Regulatory Guide 28, Relief from Dual Lodgement of Financial Reports (RG 28).
  • Although the small company is owned by foreigners, the foreign company in control is registered with ASIC and lodges consolidated financial statements that include the Australian company’s activities for the time that they have control
  • Foreign companies can control the small company that is not part of a larger group. If the directors decide to use relief provided by ASIC Corporations, Foreign-Controlled Company Reports Instrument 2017/204, they don’t have to appoint auditors nor prepare or lodge financial statements. If you are a director of a small company that is controlled by a foreign corporation but not a part of any large group, you can file Form 384 Resolution from directors of a small company controlled by a foreign company within the deadlines in ASIC Corporations (Foreign Controlled Company Reports). Instrument 2017/204.

Do not assume your company will be eligible for an exemption under the financial reporting in Australia. It is usually only a small percentage of cases that are eligible for relief. 


What documents should be submitted with the financial reporting in Australia?

If the company or entity files its financial statements or reports with the ASX or NSX or SIM VSE, or SSX, or if the entity is a foreign-registered company (Form 405), the copy should be filled out and filed with the document.

AFS license holders must submit a balance sheet, profit and loss statements, and auditor’s reports using Form FS70 Australian financial service licensee balance sheet and profit and loss statement, and Form FS71 Auditor’s report for AFS license. These forms can be found at AFS licensees on the ASIC portal.

A disclosure entity’s half-year financial report is filed with ASIC using Form7051 Notification of Half-yearly Reports unless it lodges with ASX or NSX, SIM VSE, or SSX.

Documents that must be filled under the Financial reporting in Australia

Section 319 of the Corporations Act requires that a disclosing entity, or registered managed investment plan, must file the complete financial reports within three months after the end of the financial year. All other companies must file their financial reports within 4 months of the end of the financial year.

Financial reports are required even if the company does not have a profit or trades during the financial year, and even the total assets are 0(zero).

Login online for financial reporting filings and submissions.

After you have registered, you can lodge your online tax returns through the registered agent, company officeholder, or auditor portals. 

Online filing of your company’s financial records is possible using Form 388 Copy financial statements and reports. If you lodge with ASX or NSX, SIMVSE, SSX, or SSX, you don’t need to lodge with ASIC.

Further on, you can submit standard business reporting (SBR) if your financial, accounting software, or payroll software supports SBR.


If you found this article helpful, please go to the rest of the website for more about accounting in Australia, some of the audit exemptions in Australia, an overview of tax changes in Australia, understanding the Australian income tax, or more accounting and financial topics in International AccountingAuditTaxationAccounting Software, Cloud Accounting and Accounting Automation.

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